domingo, 23 de febrero de 2020

Ingles: resumen

The electricity market can only function efficiently and transparently if the
Final electricity prices reflect all of the costs associated with your
production and, among them, the cost of environmental and social damages that
 The electricity market, however, does not currently work like this since the sources
conventional energy sources, that is, those based on fossil fuels and the
uranium, they only incorporate in their final prices the private costs originated in
the generation phase, such as fuel, capital costs and
operation, labor, taxes and insurance.
 The economic cost of the environmental and social impacts that
provoke conventional energies are instead systematically
outsourced, that is, impacted on society as a whole and not on
The electricity consumers themselves.
 The outsourcing of these environmental and social costs not only distorts the
electricity market, by penalizing those energy sources with less impact -
renewable energies– and bonus to the most shocking - those of conventional origin–
It also discourages companies that cause damage to adopt
measures aimed at its avoidance or repair. This situation must therefore be

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